
MAK ONE Image Generation & Battlefield Visualization

Desktop Image Generator (IG) for out-the-window (OTW) scenes, camera views, and sensor channels.

Game-like visual quality in a high-performance image generator designed by IG experts for training and simulation projects.​

Built-in distributed rendering architecture supports many different display configurations — from simple desktop deployments to multichannel displays for virtual cockpits, monitor based training systems, even head mounted displays such as Oculus Rift, XTAL, and Varjo.

VR-Vantage render engine provides visual scenes and informational graphics for all the MAK ONE Applications.

Introducing VR-Vantage

Immersive Visual and Sensor Image Generation


VR-Vantage is MAK’s configurable desktop Image Generator (IG) for out-the-window (OTW) scenes, camera views, and sensor channels. Its built-in distributed rendering architecture supports many different display configurations — from simple desktop deployments to multichannel displays for virtual cockpits, monitor based training systems, even head mounted displays for VR/MR. 

Focused on Information

VR-Vantage visually presents a wide variety of information about your synthetic environment. You can simultaneously view the virtual world in 2D and 3D, with configurable information overlays presented in both displays. 

VR-Vantage lets you watch entity-level engagements without losing the command-level view.

Proudly Built by Simulation Experts.

With a unique modular design like no other, the sim engine is a separate module from the interface! This unique approach gives agility and flexibility to each training system that joins the simulation environment.

Our customers gain superior flexibility to scale, customize, and build high performance, high efficiency entity or aggregate level systems. 

Terrain Agile Synthetic Environments

Terrain can be procedurally generated on-the-fly from geo-data streamed using web standard protocols.

Pre-built terrain databases can be paged in or loaded from many industry standard formats.

MAK ONE is the simulation platform of choice by governments and system integrators around the world as they join disparate simulations into common synthetic environments.

Explore how VR-Vantage fits into these systems by sliding through the illustrations below. 

Learn More

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VR-Vantage Brochure

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Success Stories

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Key Features

    • Game-like Scenes

      Some call the scene quality "game-like", we call it realistic.

    • Multi-Channel Displays

    • Simulator and Network Interfaces

      Whether you're connecting directly to a simulation host via CIGI or to a network with DIS or HLA, we've got you covered.

    • Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/)VR)

    • Customizable Informative Overlays

  • Tactical Graphics

    VR-Vantage can draw 3D tactical graphics shared on the network by VR-Forces, such as waypoints, routes, and areas.

  • Picture-in-picture

    Inset views allow you to see what any vehicle is seeing, even as you watch it travel across the terrain in another view.

  • Simulated Cameras

    Drop simulated cameras anywhere in the world to zoom in on multiple parts of the battle at once.

  • 2D and 3D

    Use a 2D inset to help with navigation as you fly your 3D eyepoint around the battlefield in the main display.

Resources for Customers

Sign up to access these resources

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Users Guide

VR-Vantage 3.1

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First Experience Guide

Step-by-step introduction to configuring your visual scenes

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Developers Guide

Online API documentation

ST Engineering

ST Engineering

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