Continuing the introduction of our Simulation Solutions Superheroes

A few months ago, we introduced the superheroes of our Simulation Solutions Division. (If you missed our first batch of intros, catch those here!) Now we're back with round two so you can meet the next set of our Simulation Solutions superheroes. 

Creativity flows, beauty abounds, and gears are always turning – we’re excited for you to meet more of MAK’s team of Simulation Solutions Superheroes, a formidable force in the realm of simulation technology and solutions.

Meet our next batch of heroes powering MAK Simulation Solutions success!

Alex Broadbent

Business Development Integration Associate
"The System Synergist"

Meet Alex Broadbent, MAK’s Business Development Integration Associate, better known as the System Synergist. With the superpower to seamlessly integrate complex hardware and software systems, Alex transforms theoretical models into practical, functioning solutions. 

His deep understanding of both digital and physical realms, combined with the foresight to anticipate and resolve issues, allows him to create innovative solutions that function flawlessly. Throughout his career, Alex has left a mark on a number of fields and industries: if you watched television in the 1990s and 2000s, you've likely seen his 3D rendering work on TBS, CNN, and more. From 2000 to 2015, his expertise helped bring legged robots to life on YouTube (you know the ones). If you've trained with the Marines or Special Forces, you've used simulation software he developed. As the  Business Development Integration Associate, Alex ensures that disparate components come together to form cohesive and effective systems, making the whole greater than the sum of its parts and enabling breakthroughs in technology and practical applications.

Dan Albert

QA/Testing Lead
"The Night Sentinel"

Dan is known in the superhero realm as The Night Sentinel. With his unique superpower of stealth, Dan owns the critical responsibilities of software testing and QA. As if by magic, he ensures that these tasks happen behind the scenes, unobtrusively, as if overnight while all are sleeping.

His ability to execute flawlessly under the cover of darkness makes him not just a superhero in software testing, but a guardian of efficiency and quality in every mission. Beyond his nocturnal prowess, Dan's career spans a multifaceted journey as a multi-lingual trainer, operations leader, and consultant. A combat veteran and Distinguished Member of Brigade in the US Army Ranger Hall of Fame, Dan brings tactical and strategic planning expertise honed at the US Military Academy at West Point and Thunderbird School of Global Management.

Erick Makris

Principal Software Engineer
"The Harbinger of Order"

Erick, known as the Harbinger of Order, transforms the brilliant chaos crafted by the Chaos Commander into ordered, readable, and maintainable solutions.

As a Principal Software Engineer, Erick propels the team forward by organizing tasks and vanquishing obstacles, acquiring essential software, hardware, and knowledge, tackling tough problems head-on, and implementing tools and processes to make projects more efficient. Erick's heroic journey began in the aerospace industry with embedded programming on thermal imaging cameras at FLIR Systems, followed by developing cockpit display software at Northrop Grumman, where he first encountered Real-Time 3D graphics technology. At MAK, he transitioned from real defense systems using low-level 3D graphics frameworks to simulations with higher-level abstractions in VR-Forces, VR-Engage, and Unreal Engine. The Harbinger of Order takes pride in knowing that his work empowers people by providing enhanced insights, experiences, and skills through the power of simulation and training.

Stay tuned to our quarterly What's Up MAK newsletters to meet more of our Simulation Solutions Superheroes! Not subscribed? 

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