VR-Engage Capabilities

VR-Engage is MAK’s multi-role virtual simulator. VR-Engage lets you play the role of a first-person human character; a vehicle driver, gunner or commander; or the pilot of an airplane or helicopter. VR-Engage can be deployed as a trainee simulator, as a role player station, an instructor aid, a desktop simulation game, even as a VR headset experience. Built on mature, proven technologies, VR-Engage gets its simulation engine from VR-Forces and its game-quality 3D graphics from VR-Vantage.

Learn all about VR-Engage by clicking through the tabs below or download the VR-Engage Capabilities document.

VR-Engage includes

  • A high-fidelity vehicle physics engine needed for accurate vehicle motion.
  • Ground, rotary- and fixed-wing vehicles, and the full library of friendly, hostile, and neutral DI-Guy characters.
  • Radio and voice communications over DIS and HLA.
  • Sensors, weapons, countermeasures, and behavior models for air-to-air, air-to-ground, on-the­ground, and person-to-person engagements.
  • Vehicle and person-specific interactions with the environment (open and close doors, move, destroy, and so on.)
  • Terrain agility. As with VR-Vantage and VR-Forces, you can use the terrain you have or take advantage of innovative streaming and procedural terrain techniques.
  • Support for virtual reality and mixed reality using head-mounted displays, such as Oculus Rift, Varjo, HTC Vive, Valve Index, and XTAL.

VR-Engage UI

Click through the red tabs below or download the VR-Engage Capabilities document to learn about VR-Engage.

ST Engineering

ST Engineering

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